The next decade is going to be the best!

January 1st and my optimism is already at an all time high! It’s suppose to be a day of rest and already I have had 3 calls and emails to “come here and help us” and “where will you be this year”? For now I am not sure what my clinic schedules are. 99% of my Horsemanship clinics are private, but I may change that this year.

I am also involved in political matters this year, specifically the GM alfalfa issue, and the creation of GE Free (genetic engineering) zones in Canada. Why GM alfalfa? Because my horse and your horse will be exposed to this, and there has been no testing on the Canadian government side as to whether there are harmful effects to our horses or not. I have researched the possible consequences of this crop getting ‘out of hand’ and it’s not pretty. I will be writing on this in the future, and I hope you watch and learn all you can.

I see the next 10 years as one of the biggest decades of change on this planet, as we speed forward, faster and faster. I have always felt that I was going to live to see the single largest impact on planet earth, and it may be this next 10 years. Old habits, rituals and industries will fade out. New emerging ideas will be more sustainable, and the ‘energy’ of the planet will rise as a result. Even the way we keep and maintain our horses will change. For the better. In ten years I will repost this – should be interesting!

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